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Süßkartoffel-Browniesca. 12 Stück330 g gekochte, pürierte Süßkartoffeln250 g Nussmus (z. B....

Raw Cacao Bars

Raw Cacao Bars

Raw Cacao Barsca. 9 Riegel80 g frisch gemahlene Leinsamen90 g Medjool-Datteln45 g Kokosraspeln35 g...

No Bake Granola Bars

No Bake Granola Bars

No Bake Granola Barsca. 9 Riegel140 g Haferflocken60 g Walnüsse, grob gehackt40 g Kürbiskerne40 g...

Ayurvedisches Granola

Ayurvedisches Granola

Ayurvedisches Granola1 Backblech180 g grobe Haferflocken100 g Pekannüsse, grob gehackt40 g...

Shift your perspective from food being the ‚bad guy‘ to being nourishment and with that thought alone, you‘ll start making healthier choices and feel that much more free.